Announcing Our Annual Car, Bike, & Tractor Show, April 12th at Victor Valley College.

Click Here for Details

Join the High Desert Marines for camaraderie & breakfast!!! 

We meet @ 8AM (0800) on the 1st Friday of every month at the Hesperia
 Moose Lodge.
The address is: 10230 E Avenue, Hesperia, CA 92345


Welcome to High Desert Marines!!

           Our annual Car Show


            Veteran's Day Parade


                Marine Corps Ball


The High Desert Marines is a veteran's organization of Marines and Navy Corpsmen who live or have ties in the California High Desert Area.

Veterans of all military branches are welcome to join our ranks.


The High Desert Marines support local military, veteran, and community charities.

The High Desert Marines provides a social setting for Veterans & their families, and promotes Marine Corps values & traditions in the community. 
We participate in local community events & also help individual veterans in need.

The High Desert Marines annual Marine Corps Birthday Ball will be held on November 8th, 2025.

2025 is the Marine Corp's 250th Birthday.

We meet monthly at the Hesperia Moose Lodge, 10230 E Avenue, Hesperia CA 92345 on the first Friday of the month at 8:00.  All veterans are welcome. No dues are collected and the only requirement is an Honorable Discharge.


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